Submit your one page speech on a topic you care about: Urges Ms. Julie Owen to today’s youth

Youth Week starts from tomorrow on April 13 until April 22, 2018. Julie Owens, Federal Member Labor Party has set up a forum for youth during the week. She asks, “If we’re not building a future for young people, why are we even there in Parliament?”

With the abolishment of the Minster for Youth under the Liberal Party, Ms Owens is keen to give voice to the concerns troubling young people and shed light on issues such as: youth unemployment, currently at a four decade high and mental illness, constantly on the rise.

Ms Owens is calling on young people (under 25 years) to submit a one page speech on a topic they care about to her website. Ms Owens will present selections in Parliament on behalf of our young people.

“With so many issues facing our nation that will dramatically impact the lives of young people both now and in the future, I thought it was time our youth had a platform to raise the issues they care about,” Ms Owens said.

Young people will now have a parliamentary platform to express their ideas and raise concerns that affect their lives. Matters raised can be of a local, national or global scale and reflect personal perceptions of a myriad of social issues such as the environment, housing and mental illness.

Young people can submit their speeches at Ms Owens website: voice-in- parliament, from the beginning of Youth Week (13 ”“ 22 April 2018).

 For the following 5 weeks Julie will deliver selected speeches on a parliamentary stage.


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